How to switch between two controllers?

I am trying to switch between a Boat and FPS Controller. I have cameras that I want to use with each controller and I only want them to be activated if that controller is activated. Can someone show me the script to make this work. Thanks.

// Boat.cs
public class Boat : Monobehavior {
/* Assuming that you set these two variables
to relative camera gameobjects…
GameObject FPS_Controller_Cam;
GameObject Boat_Cam;

    void OnEnable () {
        FPS_Controller_Cam.SetActive (false);
        Boat_Cam.SetActive (true);

// FSPController.cs
public class FPSController : Monobehavior {
    /* Assuming that you set these two variables
       to relative camera gameobjects...
    GameObject FPS_Controller_Cam;
    GameObject Boat_Cam;
    void OnEnable () {
        Boat_Cam.SetActive (false);
        FPS_Controller_Cam.SetActive (true);