How to sync object position

Sorry, but that’s how I feel

I’m following

At one point it says to install at main · Unity-Technologies/ · GitHub only I get error because I don’t have git installed.
So I downloaded the project and got a zipper, I extract it, following the instructions, copy Utilities to my asset folder and manually edit manifest.json, yet I still get numerous errors that I didn’t get in time to copy. Thinking it was an import problem, I reimport everything. On reopening I get:

An error occurred while resolving packages:
  Project has invalid dependencies: No 'git' executable was found. Please install Git on your system then restart Unity and Unity Hub

Click on Retry to relaunch Unity and reopen your project.

Click on Continue to launch Unity.  Some or all packages may not be imported which may cause compilation errors.

How do I fix this?

This is due to the fact that the location of my capsules is not automatically reported.

  • Why is it not automatically reported by NetworkTransform?
  • Why do I have to instal an additional package?
  • Why does the tutorial say to do one thing and then delete it?
  • Wasn’t Netcode supposed to be more powerful than the previous multiplayer technique? It doesn’t look like it to me.

Udemy proved impossible to contact.

Download the multiplayer samples, unpack it in a directory and open it as a unity project (Hub: add project). Do not try to open it in your existing project.

Then use the samples project that you opened and extract the content that you’re supposed to merge. Right click => export package.

What do you mean by “reported”? You mean the positions don’t sync?

Ask the tutorial author. This should have been a preparation step, not somewhere in between. And if this is only to get some files, those files should be provided to match what was done in the tutorial because the repositories continue to be updated.

This repo likely no longer matches the tutorial. The tutorial is almost 1.5 years old, it’s probably based on Netcode v1.0 or v1.1 but we’re currently at 1.8.

Again, ask the author.

Don’t judge it by the experience from a crappy tutorial.

Find a more up-to-date tutorial. :wink:

Theoretically good. Although inelegant. But…
Trying to open it from the Hub gives the same error about no git, but I went ahead.
I should extract the Utilities folder from Packages, but it doesn’t show up in Unity! How can I export package?

Yes, “sync” is a better word. :slight_smile:

Wait, isn’t that standard procedure? This is at least the second tutorial that tells me to do that.

:face_with_spiral_eyes: This is the most up-to-date tutorial I could find. And I no longer count how many tutorials I have tried. This explains the opening image.

Well… it’s not the first word that comes to mind but it’s the first elegant one

  • What is the standard procedure that requires fewer unofficial components?
  • Is there an official Netcode tutorial?

I saw Your Netcode "Hello World" Project | Unity Multiplayer but, quote