How to Take input from Microphone of Iphone using Unity?

Hey guys first-a-fall thanks 4 helping me with by problems till now hope this continues… :slight_smile:

well guys im trying to use to sound which is coming from the microphone of the IPhone as a input to my Unity Project which i will be starting soon
but b4 i start i would like to know if its realy possible to fetch the sound from microphone in Unity???

There is AudioListener for fetching sound in the 3D Space can it also be used for the fetching of Sound from the device Microphone…


you can not do that using unity right now
you would have to do it in XCode objective C and see if you could link it in someway (through player prefs sending the filename over for example)

Unity only gives you access to the accelerometer and the touchscreen input wise.

okkk thanks a lot…
was actually hoping tht Unity will b having tht functionality…