How to tell if a Canvas UI slider is being clicked not over Value

i have 4 sliders which Value changes depend on each other. So i need to find out which slider is changed form the user to not fall in recrusion. Is there any way to find out which Slider is used by the user like the
Button.onClick() function? I am searching for days.

For explaination:

first slider is 100
second is 50
thrid is 25

fourth is 100

the foruth should always be the biggest value of the other three, but when the fourht goes down the other should go down in proportion of the value.

Hi there,

I believe there is not such method you are looking for. But you have some alternatives.

My bet is using GraphicRaycaster, it is the same as a RayCast but it is used for UI elements. Using a raycast will let you know which slider is touching the user’s mouse. That way, On Slider Value Changed, you will know which slider is your user changing, so you don’t fall in recursion.

Hope it helps.

Thank you. This seems the right direction.