How to throw in top-down 2D game

Hey guys having a hard time, how is the best way to throw something in a top-down game, like to create kind of an arc?

Well, there is lots of ways to do it, not really a best one.
First you could simply ignore that it is a ‘throw’ entirely and just have the object move in a straight line for a set distance then disappear. Simple, but lots of games use this method and it is actually probably the preferred intuitive one for combat related throwing as players don’t want to have to fiddle with figuring out firing arcs most the time.
Second, if you have a bit of perspective (ala Zelda, or isometric) you can explicitly have the object move in an arc.
Third, you could slightly enlarge and shrink the sprite as it moves along its path. This would be best for a true top down, giving the object the feel of getting closer to the camera as it gets bigger, then further when it gets smaller.

Oh I might do the third one I haven’t thought of that, thank you!