I was trained a robot-car in unity using ml-agent with PPO algorithm.
Now I want to take the final policy and test it on a real robot.
For that, I trying to load the final network to python somehow and from there I will send commands to my robot online.
There is some guidance on how to do that? or some related recommendations?
Until now I tried to load the .pt file with PyTorch, but I think I must have the model definition to create the model instance and then use state_dict().
please help me with it, thanks
Same question.Looking forward to replies.
I haven’t done this myself, though, it sounds super fun. If you go to the post in the sticky section " post your ml-agents project " - a user has shared this video about training in unity and deploying inference in a physical robot.
If I were going into this project, the primary thing I would consider is how to accurately simulate the physicality of each component of the robot regarding control (stepper motor updates for example) and sensor input (shutter speeds of camera/upload latency, etc) within unity.
Unity has also released a github for robotics and perception which will likely help you in your experimentation.
Lastly, I frequently notice people asking duplicate questions on this forum - don’t hesitate to use the search functionality in Unity Forums and sort for the ml-agents specific posts. There’s lots of good information hidden away; and I vaguely recall some others asking this question a while ago.
Cheers and best of luck! Would love to see more real world deployment of RL!
Thanks for your detailed response!
My clearest question is how to use the policy network generated in unity and load it in python, such that I could send an observation-like and get back the compitable action?
There’s information about the python ↔ unity communication pipeline on the github/in the docs. I generally recommend everyone who is using ML-Agents to sit down over a couple sessions and read the entirety of the documentation. There’s a lot of cool tips and tricks nestled in there.
I extract the onnx file after ML agents training. Load the ONNX file with Python, the input is the original input in unity,and action_mask is all set to 0, but the output result is very strange. Can anyone answer it? Thanks.