How to transform position to left?

So, I’m basically trying to move an object from the right side to the left side. I’m trying this code but every time I run the game, after a certain point it starts to somehow to subtract way more than what the code says. Even before reaching the negative axis. Could someone help me please?

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class GroupMovement : MonoBehaviour
    Rigidbody2D rb;

    void Start()
        rb = GetComponent<Rigidbody2D>();
        InvokeRepeating("moveR", 1, 1);

    public void moveR()
        transform.position = new Vector2(rb.position.x + 1, rb.position.y);

    public void moveL()
        transform.position = new Vector2(rb.position.x - 1, rb.position.y);

    void Update() {


    public void CancelR()

    public void CancelL()

    void moveDown()
        transform.position = new Vector2(rb.position.x, rb.position.y - 1);
    IEnumerator Wait()
        yield return new WaitForSeconds(1);

You have a lot of code here that doesn’t appear to be doing anything. If you’re just needing your object to move to the left (and want to use coroutines), you could try something like:

private IEnumerator MoveLeft (float moveAmount, float waitTime) {
    // Move left forever, could just as easily check for a certain bound like:
    // while (transform.position.x < -10.0f) {
    while (true) { 
        transform.position += Vector3.left * moveAmount;
        yield return new WaitForSeconds (waitTime);
    // Will return and stop if/when condition is met

You can invoke the coroutine in Start or Awakeusing:

StartCoroutine (MoveLeft (1.0f, 1.0f));