I’ve been playing around with Cinemachine and it looks really powerful. I would like some guidance in how to setup cameras to achieve the following effect:
The camera slight rotates as he climbs the stairway until it transition from top to side view.
My approach was to setup 3 VCAM: Top view, Side view and one positioned at the stairway looking at the player:
VCAM Top view
VCAM Side View
VCAM Stairway
And i have a few Cinemachine Trigger Action responsible to change VCAM priority
My questions are:
- How would you achieve this effect?
- Is VCAM + Trigger Action the right tool for the job? I tried to use ClearShot but it doesn’t seem to work with following target
- Is the VCAM Stairway really needed?
- I’m finding hard to change the active camera using colliders, like, detecting entry + exit side. Is there a better way to do it?
Thank you for helping !!!