How to Update and keep old version of unity, in safety?

I’m about to make the transition to unity2017 but I would like to keep the previous version of unity on my laptop intact seen as I still have open projects on those and would like to avoid encountering compatibility problems.
I don’t quite know where to start with this, could very well be a redoundant question, if so all the better.
Also, do I have to be careful with VisualStudio updating as well?

New unity installs into a Unity folder so rename your current folder to something like “Unity 5.6” and then the new Unity will install into “Unity”. You can rename the new folder as you see fit.

You’ll have to manage shortcuts, taskbar icons to open the version you intend. For example, I keep my taskbar pointing for awhile to the previous version and only open the new for special cases.

I don’t know enough about VS to recommend, but I updated from 5.6 to 2017 and didn’t have any issues with my VS.