How to update Android Resolver, do I need to?

Just finished my first android game and I’m jumping through the hoops to get an aab compatible with Google’s play store. After having a ton of problems with the SDK I uninstalled everything (including Android Studio) and started again. The aab builds now but suddenly all collisions don’t work and I’m getting an error which I’m guessing it stopping the physics engine from progressing.

Anyway I’ve seen others with a similar issue and updating the Android Resolver (I have version 1.2.135) seems to be the solution, but I’ve had so many issues with fixing things that then break other things I was hoping someone far more intelligent than me can guide me through the process. I’ve tried updating via git url but it fails so I might have to do it manually and I just know more will go wrong!

The full error message in the console, in case it helps, is …

Stopped polling job due to exception: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at GooglePlayServices.UnityCompat.VersionFromAndroidSDKVersionsEnum (System.String enumName, System.String fallbackPrefKey, System.Int32 fallbackValue) [0x00001] in <48abf529805a49c69e88ffb3f8b573e9>:0
at GooglePlayServices.UnityCompat.GetAndroidTargetSDKVersion () [0x00036] in <48abf529805a49c69e88ffb3f8b573e9>:0
at GooglePlayServices.PlayServicesResolver.CanEnableJetifierOrPromptUser (System.String titlePrefix) [0x000b0] in <48abf529805a49c69e88ffb3f8b573e9>:0
at GooglePlayServices.PlayServicesResolver.ResolveUnsafe (System.Action1[T] resolutionComplete, System.Boolean forceResolution, System.Boolean isAutoResolveJob, System.Boolean closeWindowOnCompletion) [0x00014] in <48abf529805a49c69e88ffb3f8b573e9>:0 at GooglePlayServices.PlayServicesResolver+<>c__DisplayClass102_0.<ScheduleResolve>b__1 () [0x0001f] in <48abf529805a49c69e88ffb3f8b573e9>:0 at GooglePlayServices.PlayServicesResolver.ExecuteNextResolveJob () [0x00073] in <48abf529805a49c69e88ffb3f8b573e9>:0 at GooglePlayServices.PlayServicesResolver.ScheduleResolve (System.Boolean forceResolution, System.Boolean closeWindowOnCompletion, System.Action1[T] resolutionCompleteWithResult, System.Boolean isAutoResolveJob) [0x000ac] in <48abf529805a49c69e88ffb3f8b573e9>:0
at GooglePlayServices.PlayServicesResolver.AutoResolve (System.Action resolutionComplete) [0x00018] in <48abf529805a49c69e88ffb3f8b573e9>:0
at GooglePlayServices.PlayServicesResolver+<>c.b__78_1 () [0x00024] in <48abf529805a49c69e88ffb3f8b573e9>:0
at Google.RunOnMainThread.ExecutePollingJobs () [0x00052] in :0
UnityEngine.Debug:LogError (object)
Google.RunOnMainThread:ExecutePollingJobs ()
Google.RunOnMainThread/<>c:b__24_0 ()
Google.RunOnMainThread:RunAction (System.Action)
Google.RunOnMainThread:ExecuteAll ()
UnityEditor.EditorApplication:Internal_CallUpdateFunctions ()

Having the same issue. Did you managed to fix this?