I’ve recently uploaded an asset to the asset store. now I want to update it. Unity tells me:
"You must increase the version number if you wish to update your actual content, otherwise only the metadata (description, price) will be updated. "
How do I do that with the asset store tools? Do I have to create a new package? I can describe Version Changes, but I see no way to change the version a number in Asset Store Manager (it’s greyed out)!
I sent assetstore-admin@unity3d.com an email, but never heard back…
Thanks for any pointers, I realise it must be something simple but I don’t see it.
There are guidelines/how-to/etc on unity.com, skip down to #8, you will see a screenshot of updating/creating with the asset/package manager.
If anyone else encounters this: just hit submit, you can actually update the version number after hitting submit (and define whether it’s a content update or just updated description). The screenshot in the guidelines is somewhat misleading because you have a field there where you can enter a version number, but that is later greyed out and you have to update the version number in a different window that pops up.
No it doesn’t work, i found out that to update an existing asset that is already published, you need to make a new draft first, then quit the publisher admin and go into Unity’s asset store tools (in Unity) and then you can Upload your new package, after you’ve done that, you need to go into the publisher admin again and this time you can add the new package to your draft and change anything you like, then you can hit submit.
This information can’t be found anywhere, i searched google for days and finally had a reply from the guys at Unity, even they couldn’t tell me that it works like this, i had to find out myself by trying out several things multiple times…