How to "Update Previous Build" in Batch Mode

The question is in the title.

Any build scripts that I have googled for no longer exist.
What is the current way to build Addressables through a c# method that can be used with batch mode?

I currently only build by doing “Update Previous Build” and selecting the previous bin file. That is what I need to mimic.

Any tips or help would be appreciated.

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Anyone have a direction they could point me?

So GUI command to do that is “Update a Previous Build” right?

You should search for that in Addressables package.

Addressables/Editor/GUI/AddressableAssetsSettingsGroupEditor.cs should contain that.
look at what OnUpdateBuild function is doing, that’s probably whats you are looking for



although I’m still struggling with it a bit (including to many files) the code we are roughly using:

hope it helps.


Dang, you guys just made it so easy.

Thanks @araki_yuta and @supersolid-jelte !!