Maybe the title is a little bit confusing, so I will try to explain my scene:
I’ve a button, that when it’s pressed, it performs a calculation (a login in my case), and if the calculation throw an Exception, should display a message regarding this Exception.
[SerializeField] private TMP_Text errorMessage = null;
private const string STRINGKEY_ERROR_SHORTPASSWORD = "ErrorMessage_ShortPassword";
private const string STRINGKEY_ERROR_IMPOSSIBLE = "ErrorMessage_ImpossibleToLogin";
private void OnConfirmButton()
loginBO.Login(Username, Password);
catch (FormatException)
catch (LoginException)
private void DisplayErrorMessage(string message = "Error")
errorMessage.text = message;
private void HideErrorMessage()
errorMessage.text = string.Empty;
My problem is that I’m setting the text with a simple string retrieve it from my LocalizationBusinessObject which will search the key on every table, and retrieve the current located string, so far so good.
My problem starts when I change my Locale on runtime, this message won’t be update cause it’s not “subscribed” to this change, so my question is, which will be the best approach for this? I know I can subscribe to LocalizationSettings.SelectedLocaleChanged but maybe there is an easy way that I’m missing to do not have every text listening for that, any recomendation?