How to upgrade a local multiplayer from Cinemachine 3 pre 9 to Cinemachine 3.0.1

The scripts like CinemachineBrain are not recognized and I don’t know how to use them. Is there some guide or instructions about how this is supposed to be done and work? Do I have to delete and replace all the cinemachine cameras? It doesn’t seems to have the same setup as other Cinemachine workflows.

There are no special steps required, it’s just like upgrading to a new version of anything else. Did you follow the procedure described here ? Use 3.0.1 instead of 2.9.7

FYI, I just similarly upgraded Cinemachine and added Relay with netcode and and the rest of multiplayer tools, all worked quite well with Cinemachine upgrades.

Since there is a concept of HOST NetworkObject vs. CLIENT NetworkObject, apropos of the Players, then minor programming adjustments are required above and beyond single player application and the alterations were trivial and obvious.

Thank you very much. Yes I followed the procedure you described and replaced 2.9.7 with 3.0.1 the same as I did when I upgraded from Cinemachine 2 to Cinemachine 3 preview 9. I attached photos showing why I am having a problem with the upgrade from Cinemachine 3 preview9 to Cinemacine 3.0.1. When I try to add a brain to the existing Cinemachine Game Object which had the brain previously there is no Cinemachine Brain Component. Here is a pic of the issue in the second or lower image there is a pic of the upgraded to cinemachine 3.0.1 where the brain component was in the project. When I go to the dropdown to add the CinemacineBrain component there is no CinemachineBrain component.

That’s very strange. I wonder whether there is some local metafile corruption in your project. Can you try closing the upgraded project, deleting the Library folder, then re-opening it?

The pic attached shows what happens when I try to drag the brain component from the package to the game object. Typically it is a script and I drag it on to a game object, but this component is not the same and I don’t know what to do with it to make it attached or work with the game object. Imgur: The magic of the Internet

Thank you for looking into this. Yes I will delete the Library and restart the project. It will take a long time so I will post later this evening or tomorrow when it is restarted and let you know if that worked. Thanks.

Rebuilt the library file and it updated correctly. Must have been something got corrupted in the update. Thanks.

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