How to use a variable in if statement.

Hello I would like to use a variable, Country, and check it in a if statement, and if that equals “USA” then to proceed with the if statement, however I always get a error from unity.

Seems other people have asked this too (here or here ). Anyways, see below for two options:

            private String myCountry = "This is a string with the word USA";

            // NON-EXACT MATCH
            if (myCountry.Contains("USA")) {
              Debug.Log("USA in string...")
            } else {
              Debug.Log("USA not in string...");

            // EXACT MATCH
            if (String.Equals(myCountry, "USA")) {
              //stuff to do when true
              Debug.Log("STRING MATCHES USA");
            } else {
              //stuff to do when false
              Debug.Log("STRING DOES NOT MATCH USA");