How to Use Bitmap Fonts in Unity for Low-Resolution Pixel Art Games?

I’m working on a low-resolution Unity project (480x270) and want to use a bitmap font (PNG sprite sheet) for pixel-perfect text. However, Unity’s TextMeshPro Font Asset Creator does not accept PNG files, as it only works with OTF/TTF vector fonts. I need to properly set up a bitmap font so that Unity recognizes it as a usable font asset. Is this possible with unity, or is there any other way to get pixel perfect fonts, when working on low resolution gamers?

The legacy Text component supports bitmap fonts just fine, that’s what I use for my pixel art game. It has less features than TMP but for a pixel game you probably shouldn’t need that extra stuff.

What file type are you refering to? I have a png of the bitmap, but can’t use it for legacy text.

You have to create a Font asset first. It’s been a while so I’m not sure if this is all you need to do but on checking my project, I see that for the font’s default material I have a material that uses GUI/Text Shader, and it uses the png file as its font texture.