How to use Face Capture on rumtime?

I developing a vtuber solution.
Until now, I was use own application on iphone (not published at appstore),
but face capture application is more better than that.

So, I hope to use Face Capture package for my vtuber solution.
But I can found the only way on use Unity Editor (not build).
How to use Face Capture on rumtime?

Hi @kojdj0811 and welcome to the forum.

Unfortunately, Face Capture is not really designed for the purpose of use at runtime. It’s not a package or an SDK, but an app of its own designed to permit motion capture for building films and videos. There is no current plan to develop it for runtime use.

That said, Face Capture is built on top of our ARKit Face Tracking package, so it’s entirely possible to build it yourself using the existing APIs.

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Adding this feature at runtime would be a good addition though.

Fair enough. We take that sort of input seriously. Please go to our roadmap page and vote for it.

This is a massive missed opportunity- think of the ability to control avatars in real time. I can’t see anywhere to vote.