How to use Graphics.Blit with custom input textures

I am facing some problems in converting an image from YUV to RGB format.

I am using the Google Tango API with Unity. It gives me the bytes of an image in YUV format in the following callback function:

OnTangoImageAvailableEventHandler(TangoEnums.TangoCameraId cameraId, TangoUnityImageData imageBuffer)

Fortunately, they already have a YUV2RGB shader together with a material to convert images in their YUV format to RGB. So my plan was to create the two textures that the shader expects as input from the byte array. I then set those to the material from Tango and use Graphics.Blit to render the result to a RenderTexture. This is the function that I use for this task:

public void OnTangoImageAvailableEventHandler(TangoEnums.TangoCameraId cameraId, TangoUnityImageData imageBuffer)
		// Split buffer into y and uv part
		byte[] yDataPart = new byte[imageBuffer.width * imageBuffer.height];
		Array.Copy (, 0, yDataPart, 0, imageBuffer.width * imageBuffer.height); 

		byte[] uDataPart = new byte[2 * (imageBuffer.width / 2) * (imageBuffer.height / 2)];
		Array.Copy (, imageBuffer.width * imageBuffer.height, uDataPart, 0, 2 * (imageBuffer.width / 2) * (imageBuffer.height / 2));

		// Create the textures from the data
		Texture2D yTex = new Texture2D(width / 4, height, TextureFormat.RGBA32, false);
		yTex.LoadRawTextureData (yDataPart);
		yTex.Apply ();

		Texture2D uTex = new Texture2D((width / 2) / 4 * 2, height / 2, TextureFormat.RGBA32, false);;
		uTex.LoadRawTextureData (uDataPart);
		uTex.Apply ();

		// Set them to shader
		yuv2rgbMat.SetTexture ("_YTex", yTex);
		yuv2rgbMat.SetTexture ("_UTex", uTex);

		// Draw
		Graphics.Blit (dummyRenderTex, rgbRenderTex, yuv2rgbMat);

In that code snippet, the yuv2rgbMat is set to the ARScreen material from tango, which has the YUV2RGB shader connected.

This leads directly to my first question:

Is it necessary to provide an input render texture to Graphics.Blit if I already set the input textures directly to the material?

Now besides from that question, here is the real problem. When I later what to create a Texture2D from the RenderTexture to work further with it, the texture is completely set to 0. This is the code I use to access the resulting texture:

public IEnumerator drawRGBTexture()
    		while (true) {
    			yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame ();
    			if (rgbRenderTex != null) { = rgbRenderTex;
    				rgbTex.ReadPixels (new Rect (0, 0, width, height), 0, 0);
    				rgbTex.Apply ();
                    // At this point rgbTex is completely filled with zeros!!
                    // Even if there were a lot of non zero entries in the original YUV byte stream
    = null;

This leads to my second question:

Why is the resulting texture filled with zeros and not with the correct output of the shader?

Oh sorry I forgot to post that i solved the Problem. I had some uninutialized variables, that caused the error in consequence.

Thank you for your effort. But when I use your two guys’s code in my project. What I can get is just a rectangular with light red color? Is there any special setting? @karyuu_s @hendrikgruss