Hello - I’m trying to use a very simple GUIStyle for a label in my custom editor. However, when I use it I get all sorts of errors, ArgumentExceptions, NullReferneces, Can’t use/call GUI stuff outside of OnGUI, etc.
How can I create a GUIStyle for my editor elements?
Here’s what I’m doing:
private readonly GUIStyle StatesLabel = new GUIStyle(GUI.skin.label)
alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft,
margin = new RectOffset(),
padding = new RectOffset(),
fontSize = 15,
fontStyle = FontStyle.Bold
Using it like:
GUILayout.Label("States", StatesLabel);
Thanks for any help.
Alright it seems that the errors go away if I remove the GUI.skin.label from the GUIStyle constructor. - But if I do so, how can I then create styles for buttons, labels, toggles, etc?
It seems that I can’t do anything "GUI"ish in OnInspectorGUI? (can’t even do a GUI.backgroundColor change… - very frustrated)