The Windows Dev Center has a Health Analytics section that shows what crashes Microsoft has detected from our app.
Scrolling down displays a “Failure Log”
The top failure shows 152 average failures a day! I click on a Stack trace link and get this:
How can I use this information to find these crashes?
Clicking on a “Download” button gives me a .tsv file. (This is from the same symbol, but different error.)
Frame Image Function Offset
1 combase RoOriginateError 0x54
2 vccorlib140_app Platform::Details::ReCreateException 0x51
3 vccorlib140_app __abi_WinRTraiseCOMException 0x12
4 UnityPlayer Object::Transfer_ProxyTransfer_ 0xB9C8
5 UnityPlayer Terrain::Transfer_RemapPPtrTransfer_ 0x11F79C
6 UnityPlayer Terrain::Transfer_RemapPPtrTransfer_ 0x127155
7 UnityPlayer Terrain::Transfer_RemapPPtrTransfer_ 0x125C01
8 Windows_Devices_Sensors Windows::Internal::Details::GitInvokeHelper_Windows::Foundation::ITypedEventHandler_Windows::Devices::Sensors::SimpleOrientationSensor * __ptr64,Windows::Devices::Sensors::SimpleOrientationSensorOrientationChangedEventArgs * __ptr64_,Windows::Internal::Gi 0x6E
9 Windows_Devices_Sensors Microsoft::WRL::InvokeTraits_-2_::InvokeDelegates__lambda_454e70e9f94c6c585b4a4f2679af0b18_,Windows::Foundation::ITypedEventHandler_Windows::Devices::Sensors::Inclinometer * __ptr64,Windows::Devices::Sensors::InclinometerReadingChangedEventArgs * __ptr64_ 0x63
This file has been truncated. show original
I see hex offsets. I assume this is the byte offset from the start of a method somewhere?
That stacktrace you posted looks bogus is regards to “UnityPlayer”. It seems like windows dev center is unable to find the PDB for unityplayer.dll. When you made the gave, did you check this checkbox when building the original AppX package that you’ve uploaded to the Windows Store?
Which scripting backend and which Unity version does your game use?
We are using the .NET Core backend, not IL2CPP. This was built with Unity 5.2.4f1. We always include PDB symbol files.
The Windows Dev Center also has one arm .PDB file that I can download. I’m not sure if this PDB is different or if I can use it with the stacktrace.
I wish we could get a crash dump!