I’m trying to create a cube with two ‘legs’ using hinge joints so they move like spaghetti using the physics engine
The issue I’m having is that when I have created a ‘leg’ and I want to join it on to my cube that works oky but when the cube and the ‘leg’ are inside a parent and I move the parent the movement doesn’t affect the physics anymore.
My parent hierarchy is like this:
- Head (Another mesh)
- Body (Another mesh)
- Cube
4. Leg1
4. Anchor
4. Joint1
4. Joint2
4. Joint3
4. Joint4
4. Leg2
4. Anchor
4. Joint1
4. Joint2
4. Joint3
4. Joint4
Now I want to have Character as a prefab, and when character moves the physics of that movement affect the joins but it doesn’t.
Any idea how to fix this issue? thanks!