How to use IgnoreCollision

Hello everyone,

I am creating a racing game. There are total 4 cars (1 player and 3 cpu) and what I want is all cars mustn’t collide with each other (They all behave like ghost to each other). I read documentation in unity on IgnoreCollision (Unity - Scripting API: Physics.IgnoreCollision) but as I am completely new in coding I don’t understand it clearly. Please help me on writing script for this.

Attach this script to each car

using UnityEngine;

public class IgnoreCollisionWith : MonoBehaviour
    // Fill the inspector with the collider of the **other cars**
    [SerializeField] private Collider[] otherColliders;

    private void Start()
        Collider collider = GetComponent<Collider>();
        foreach(Collider otherCollider in otherColliders)
            Physics.IgnoreCollision(collider, otherCollider);