How to Use Lerp to make a Parallax Title Screen?

Hello everyone!

I was working on the title screen in my game when I wondered how I might go about adding some subtle movement to it, so it wasn’t so static. I have a current system which can take a mouse input and adjust the multiple layers of my title screen depending on where the mouse is located, but I was wondering if there were a way instead to smoothly transition the layers from one position to another back and forth repeatedly. Something similar to Halo Reach’s title screen.

Any ideas are appreciated! Thank you all!

transform.position = Vector3.Lerp(startPosition,endPosition,(Time.Time()%duration)/duration)

Untested off the top of my head, but I think this will give you something along the lines of what you want. You might also try using a sine function instead of what I have in the third parameter.