Hello, for several projects now i have tried to use perlin noise with aboslutely no succes. I have searched everywhere on information, and tried hundreds of inputs(literaly). I have bveen unable to pinpoint what am i doing wrong. Here are two ways I have tried that seemed logical but did not work:
- you pass two floats (any number) and it gives you the apropiate 0 - 1 value in that point of the texture.
- you pass in two floats from 0 - 1 and it will retourn a 0 - 1 value of that spot.
the problem is regardless of what I input i always end up getting the same value on several spots. here is a bunch of stuff i am doing every time that might help pinpoint what is wrong:
-i use two for loops to get the values of a square area of the perlin noise.
-im using an old pc but i am 99% sure that it is capable of this because when i left the y fixed at 0.5 and changed the x it gave me diferent values, also, though every time i get the same value on every sample, when i change the method i get diferent values.
idk what ell could i add. its driving me nuts and i have abandoned several projects because of this. thanks a lot to all of you.