How to use new profiler with addressables?

The event viewer was just fine, not sure why they deprecated it

Anyway, the profiler doesnt show anything on the addressables track when i profile while playing when it definitely should be. It just looks like a blank green line at the bottom with no info in the module. I tried turning on deep profile and still nothing

Is there a setting i might be missing?


Did you have a chance to try with enabled BuildReport and Debug Build Layout? It may be what is missing according to the docs - Addressables Profiler module | Addressables | 1.21.21

  • Build Reports must be enabled and the runtime being profiled requires a build report. To enable build reports, go to the Editor preferences, select the Addressables preferences, then enable Debug Build Layout.

Hi, have you solved this issue?

The option to enable debug build layout is enabled, but there are no addressable events that are being shown.

Unfortunately not. I couldnt find the “Find in file system” button that the prerequisites page listed to open a build report. The old viewer works just fine though.