I copied this (http://wiki.unity3d.com/index.php?title=ObjImporter) into a script.
It gave an error (type should be of a monobehaviour to attach a component). So i added “monobehaviour” to the class defination
public class ObjImporter : MonoBehaviour{
} -
I used the following script
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System.IO;public class importOBJ : MonoBehaviour {
// Use this for initialization public GameObject emptyPrefabWithMeshRenderer; public string meshPath; public GameObject spawnedPrefab; void Start () { Mesh importedMesh= GetComponent("ObjImporter").ImportFile(meshPath); spawnedPrefab=Instantiate(emptyPrefabWithMeshRenderer,transform.position,transform.rotation); spawnedPrefab.GetComponent(MeshFilter).mesh=importedMesh; } // Update is called once per frame void Update () { }
It gives the error “UnityEngine.Component does not contain the definition for ImportFile”
Mesh importedMesh= GetComponent().ImportFile(meshPath);
This should make it work.
Using ObjImporter and a sampling of some OBJ test files found online I’m not seeing the uv maps after calling ImportFile()
After assigning the mesh I am calling the following:
It may be the models that I’m testing with. At first the normals were incorrect, but the Recalculate commands resolved that.
@Chitransh You’re not supposed to use ObjImporter in Mono Behaviour that’s why you get that error at the beginning, it is its own public class that could be accessed by calling ObjImporter()
//create a ObjImporter Object
ObjImporter ImporterMesh = new ObjImporter();
// create a mesh and use ObjImporter to import your obj file and make it a mesh
Mesh MyMesh = ImporterMesh.ImportFile(ObjPath);
// then asign the mesh object to a mesh filter in your scene
GameObject.GetComponent<MeshFilter>().mesh = MyMesh;