I’m very new to unity. I purchased an asset called iOS Storkit In App Purchase Plugin. I am trying to get the two buttons to unlock two buttons called Album2 and Album3 after purchase. These buttons are different scenes.
This was in the documentation for the plugin:
Purchase InApp:
KTInApp.SharedController().Purchase(“com.kashiftasneem.thedarkshadow.rem oveads”);
What I have so far:
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.SceneManagement;
public static bool GameStarted=false;
public Button Album2;
public Button Album3;
public Button lockedAlbum2;
public Button lockedAlbum3;
private bool Album2Purchased;
private bool Album3Purchased;
//private int Album3Unlocked = 1;
private int Album2Locked = 0;
private int Album2Unlocked = 1;
private int Album3Locked = 0;
// Use this for initialization
void Start () {
PlayerPrefs.GetInt (“Album2Unlock”);
if (Album2Locked == 1) {
lockedAlbum2.image.enabled = false;
lockedAlbum2.enabled = false;
Album2.enabled = true;
// Update is called once per frame
void Update () {
if (Album2Purchased == false) {
lockedAlbum2.enabled = true;
PlayerPrefs.SetInt (“Album2Unlock”, Album2Locked);
if (Album2Purchased == true) {
lockedAlbum2.image.enabled = false;
lockedAlbum2.enabled = false;
Album2.enabled = true;
/else {
PlayerPrefs.SetInt (“Album2Unlock”, Album2Locked);