How to use shader _SinTime?

_SinTime alledgedly supports various speeds of oscillation. how to specify which one is used?

if i wanted to have an oscillation at 100 frames per second, i would have to use sin(_Time*100)? No _SinTime equivalent?

is SinTime anything to do with SinCity?


Really old, but for anyone landing here (As I did) here’s an answer:

According to the documentation, _SinTime is of type float4, so you can use its four components like so:

_SinTime.x == Sin(t/8)
_SinTime.y == Sin(t/4)
_SinTime.z == Sin(t/2)
_SinTime.w == Sin(t)

Credit to Bunny83’s answer

sin(_Time.w100) seems right for achieving 100 oscillations per second. You can’t make sure it will be 100 oscillations per FRAME as frame rates depends on various things. You can’t assure this shader will keep your game/program at 100 frames per second either for same reasons. What you can expect is that sin(_Time.w100) will return a float representing that oscillation at 100 oscillations per second. Whether you can render that or not is another story. Maybe someone with more experience could help go deeper than me.

Lastly, although clearly a joke, no, they have nothing to do with!