My question is about how to use sockjs in Unity, is this feasible? I have try the GitHub - extrawurst/sockjs-unity3d-xhr-example: usage examples of sockjs-unity3d-xhr lib, but i failed. And if I want to achieve chat in the project, is there any other options?,My question is about how to use sockjs in Unity, is this feasible? I have try the GitHub - extrawurst/sockjs-unity3d-xhr-example: usage examples of sockjs-unity3d-xhr lib, but i failed. And If I want to achieve chat in My project, is there any other choice?
Hi. I’m one of the developers behind Nakama and I think it’s a perfect match for realtime chat in your project. Nakama is completely open-source and free. Have a look at this documentation that tells you about In-Game Chat. Nakama has the concept of Friends and Groups, and you can use this to chat with Friends (DM them), chat with groups, and setup dynamic rooms on the fly to chat with anyone that joins the room.