How to use sound effects for push

Hi there guys,
So basically here is my front movement script, but I am unsure of how to write up a script that would make a sound work for the push that is used in this script. I have already imported the sound to unity and made a variable of it accordingly…(var pushSound : AudioClip;) how do I proceed further to make the sound work when I push the box?

here is the coding so far…

if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.UpArrow)) {

 if (Physics.Raycast (transform.position, fwd, hit,1)) {
       print ("There is something in front of the object!");
	if (hit.collider.gameObject.tag == "endGame"){
				transform.position += Vector3.up;
				//animation.CrossFade("DefaultAnim", 0.2);
				   print ("Push!");
				    var pushHit1:RaycastHit;
				    if (!Physics.Raycast (hit.collider.gameObject.transform.position, fwd, pushHit1,1)) {
				  hit.collider.gameObject.transform.position += Vector3.forward;
				   transform.position += Vector3.forward;
				   audio.PlayOneShot(pushSound, 0.7);
	Debug.Log("nothing in front");

Attach the component AudioSound to the object to push (with the sound to be played, of course).

Then after moving your object, play the sound :


ps : I think your hit variable is a game object ? In that case the line above is good, and you can simplify your code :

hit.transform.position += Vector3.forward;



Instead of
