Hello !
I wan’t to use System.Linq in unityscript.
I try this :
var currentSlot : Slot = slotsList.Where(p => p.currentItem == null).First() ;
but it doesn’t work : Unexpected token: p
Maybe wrong syntax ?
Hello !
I wan’t to use System.Linq in unityscript.
I try this :
var currentSlot : Slot = slotsList.Where(p => p.currentItem == null).First() ;
but it doesn’t work : Unexpected token: p
Maybe wrong syntax ?
You can’t use Linq in unityscript.
Yes, you can. eg :
import System.Linq!
Didn’t know that. Nice one.
I try this :
var currentSlot : Slot = slotsList.Where(function(p) => p.currentItem == null).First() ;
but doesn’t work again ? What’s the correct syntax ?
Make sure to declare you are using LINQ in your script :
#pragma strict
// declare LINQ namespace here
import System.Linq;
function DoStuff()
var currentSlot : Slot = slotsList.Where(p => p.currentItem == null).First() ;
var ItemList : List.<GameObject>;
item = ItemList.Where(function(obj) { obj.name == "name of object"; }).First();
Note the syntax of ‘function’, with curly braces. Also note semi-colon ‘;’ before the terminating curly brace.