Hi, I’m I have a NetworkEventListener:
public class NetworkEventListener
private Dictionary<ushort, MsgEvent> events = new();
public void RegisterEvent(ushort commandType, UnityAction<ulong, SerializedData> callback)
MsgEvent cmdevt = new();
cmdevt.commandType = commandType;
cmdevt.callback = callback;
events.Add(cmdevt.commandType, cmdevt);
public void OnReceiveNetworkMsg(ulong senderId, FastBufferReader reader)
reader.ReadValueSafe(out ushort type);
bool found = events.TryGetValue(type, out MsgEvent networkEvent);
if (found)
networkEvent.callback.Invoke(senderId, new SerializedData(reader));
public class MsgEvent
public ushort commandType;
public UnityAction<ulong, SerializedData> callback;
Where I register the events in both client and server by:
GameNetwork.Singleton.clientEventListener.RegisterEvent((ushort)ServerMsg.PlayerDrawCard, ReceiveDrawCard);
GameNetwork.Singleton.serverEventListener.RegisterEvent((ushort)ClientMsg.RequestPlayCard, ReceivePlayCard);
public enum ClientMsg : ushort
public enum ServerMsg : ushort
Where I have to convert ServerMsg and ClientMsg to ushort in order for this to work.
Is it possible that I can directly use ServerMsg/ClientMsg without converting?
I tried to change the NetworkEventListener to template class:
public class NetworkEventListener<T> : System.Enum
public NetworkEventListener clientEventListener<ServerMsg> = new();
reader.ReadValueSafe(out T type); will have error:
The type ‘T’ cannot be used as type parameter ‘T’ in the generic type or method ‘FastBufferReader.ReadValueSafe(out T, FastBufferWriter.ForNetworkSerializable)’. There is no boxing conversion or type parameter conversion from ‘T’ to ‘Unity.Netcode.INetworkSerializable’.
Not sure how to fix this, I tried to use T: INetworkSerializable but it is no good, which is weird since Enum can be serialized by netcode.