How to use the NativeStream.Reader

I am trying to generate a mesh from a chunk like in minecraft which I “think” I got working like so.


public struct MeshWriter : IJobParallelFor
    [ReadOnly] public NativeParallelHashMap<int4, Node> nodes;
    [ReadOnly] public int x, y, z, scale;

    public NativeStream.Writer verts;
    public NativeStream.Writer tris;
    public NativeStream.Writer uvs;

    public void Execute(int y2)

        int index = 0;
        for(int x2 = 0; x2 < scale; x2++) {
            for (int z2 = 0; z2 < scale; z2++) {
                nodes.TryGetValue(new(x + x2, y + y2, z + z2, 0), out Node node);
                Node.Build(ref this, ref node, ref index);


Now I am trying to read from the triangle stream and realign the indices.


public struct MeshReader : IJob
    public int scale;
    public NativeStream.Reader verts;
    public NativeStream.Reader tris;
    //[WriteOnly] NativeList<int> faces;

    public void Execute()
        for(int i = 0; i < scale; i++) 

            for(var v = 0; v < tris.Count(); v++) {


But I don’t know how to do it.

The NativeStream has buffers right? I thought I could assign each Y lvl of the chunk to one buffer and after it’s all populated I could read it back but now looking at the NativeStream.Reader I can’t figure out the syntax for that. It looks like to read it you have to read it all at once instead of each buffer? Or do I need to use IJobParallelFor again and set the buffer in the Execute(int index)? If that’s the case then how do I read how many items are in the buffer?