Hi all,
I’m working on a context menu to use within the Unity Editor(in a seperate window). I want to create a new window by pressing the Action button from the context menu and the window has to appear at the mouse position.
The problem is that I can’t seem to pass the mouse position to the function which places the window. Here’s part of the code I use:
menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("Action") , false, CreateActionBox, mousePos);
And this is the function(Which is passed in the 3rd argument in the menu.AddItem function) it executes when clicking the Action button from the context menu.
private void CreateActionBox(Object obj)
FieldWindow wind=new FieldWindow(1, new Rect(obj.x,obj.y,10f,10f));
Debug.Log("Window created");
The mousePos variable is a Vector2 but the only type to pass in the fourth argument in the menu.AddItem function is Object. I can’t find out how to make unity treat the Object type as a Vector2.
The unity documentation describes a JS way to pass a String to the function but I can’t translate it to a right C# way, there is no C# example in the documentation. Here’s the similar code from the documentation in JS:
menu.AddItem (new GUIContent ("MenuItem1"), false, Callback, "item 1");
function Callback (obj:Object) {
Debug.Log ("Selected: " + obj);
I have also tried different approaches such as:
private void CreateActionBox(Vector2 pos)
And casting the mouse position as Object but I didn’t find a way that works.
I hope you can help me!