How to use the webplayer to show encrypted content


I’m thinking about using the Unity Webplayer to deliver documents to a web browser securely. The user won’t need to download the document to their computer, just view it online. I was thinking to stream some encrypted data files from the server once the webplayer is up and running, and then show the data as imagery - the files would contain pre-rendered imagery of the text from the pages of the document - ie it won’t transfer any actual readabe text data, just what it looks like as pixels.

My concern is that once the encrypted data gets into Unity, someone is going to be able to mess with the Unity Script in the application and figure out easily how the decryption mechanism works. Does Unity actually compile the Unity Script before storing it in the app file, or does it actually transfer sourcecode from the player file and compile it at runtime? ie how secure is the program that runs inside the webplayer? What ways are there of making it more secure? My main aim is to a) stop unauthorized viewing and b) stop unauthorized distribution (as much as possible).



Source code doesn’t get transferred to the webplayer, but there aren’t any strong anti-tampering measures in place. That is to say, tampering is not an easy task but the player doesn’t have any robust ways to detect or prevent it.

So the scripts are compiled to all webplayer platforme ie windows and osx code?

Is the webplayer about on par with a desktop application in terms of tamper-proofness (or lack thereof)?

I understand the player file itself would not be encrypted, right, but it could contain encrypted data if I do that myself?