Hi all,
I studied ML-Agents yesterday.
ML-Agents really great.
I spent a lot of time studying, but the results were very good.
But I have a question.
When using the command line, I can add --time-scale 1~100 to control the speed.
But when I was studying gym_unity, I found that it was running at a normal speed.
In the example ipynb file,
UnityEnv seems to have no parameters for control the speed.
Can anyone give me some help?
Hi silverair,
You will want to use the EngineConfig
side channel: ml-agents/docs/Python-API.md at 8ad72c08d7d9408c4dda4601beec7f8e82f911ed · Unity-Technologies/ml-agents · GitHub. You can read more about it at the link here. You will need to create the side channel, and pass it to the environment within the gym wrapper.
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I had the same issue and tried sidecar over the weekend but was not able to get it to work. I’m using ml-agents 14.1
In unity’s discord , some one tell me the parameter “–time-scale 20” just simply set Time.timeScale = 0;
so I try to hard code in script , not use python to control it.
If side channel not work for you, maybe you can try this.
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