I am using UNity’s Profiler Recorder to extract performance information and display it in real-time in the Ui ( debug version ) but most of the time the values are always 0, but occasionally some of them change to a valid number, but then immediately go back to 0.
Seems like either the profiler only records information occasionally, or there is a timing problem and it does not cache it’s own data.
I am in Editor. unity 2021.3.8, mac
I tried during both Update, and LateUpdate… but same results.
Do I need to wait for something before reading the data ?
I am checking if the recorder is valid before reading. if(vertsRecorder.Valid)
but this says the data is valid… but it just shows 0 inside the variables .CurrentValue or .LastValue
Note:- the memory data is just fine. its just this Rendering data is missing. any thoughts please ?
Note it shows draw calls and batches, but only when the profiler window is open ( not vertex counts)
But that is sort of useless… I need to get the data, when the profile window is not enabled.