How to use video files twice: Once as Resources and once as StreamingAssets

I have a couple .mp4 videos which play fine on Standalone when loading them from Resources Folder via Resources.Load<MovieTexture>("videoname").
They also play fine on Mobile when loading from StreamingAssets folder via Handheld.PlayFullScreenMovie("videoname.ext").

Mobile does not support MovieTexture and Standalone does not support Handheld.
So in Order for this to work on Standalone and Mobile, I would need to duplicate the video files which would result in having the same video files in both folders (Resources and StreamingAssets). This is redundant and I would like to avoid this.

Is there a simple solution for that? Can you somehow merge those folders or similar? Or maybe I can specify to ommit one or another folder when deploying for a certain platform?

I know you can not Resources.Load from StreamingAssets and you can not Handheld.PlayFullScreenMovie from Resources (one of both would solve this problem). I also know about loading videos from StreamingAssets via WWW class, but this only supports .ogvwhich in return is not supported by mobile.


P.S.: I know that there are Plugins like AVPro, but I’m a student and this is a university project, so I don’t want to spend 200 bucks for a plugin :wink:


In case I have the files duplicated (distributed to the two folders), I can not build for Mobile anymore: 'MovieTexture' is not supported when building for Android.. It’s giving me this error because I have the imported video file inside of the Resources folder. Can I somehow tell to ignore the videos of the resources folder while deploying for mobile? They aren’t used in that case either… In code I can use #if UNITY_ANDROID to hide code containing MovieTexture, but how can I do this in the editor itself?
I can avoid this by using WWWand load an .ogv video from StreamingAssets, but this would also mean that I need two files for the same video (one .mp4 and one .ogv).

I re-posted a similar question and ended up finding a solution that worked for me anyway:

I think my answer is awaiting moderation, but hopefully will be up soon. In a nutshell, I ended up storing my videos in AssetBundles to bypass the iOS MovieTexture compile errors