Because many seem to not be able to find it, here’s the link to the Code of Conduct which is a sticky post in the scripting subforum.
When you have a problem or question, just create your own thread. You can always link to another thread where you may have found other relevant information. However hijacking other threads should generally be avoided. Note that this thread was about generating UV coordinates for a procedural mesh. The thread is based on the OP. You essentially brought in a new sub topic like an atlas, color bleeding and some other things that weren’t even a thing in the OP.
When you justify that the thread is “kinda” related to your problem, after 5 slight topic changes would could arrive at a complete different topic since every new “problem” could introduce a slightly different aspect and slowly deviating from the actual topic.
Another issue is that when packing several topics that are kinda related into a single thread, the thread grows and it gets more and more difficult for others to find relevant information. We have some monster threads here with 200+ pages. Those are a pure nightmare. They got big because a lot of people contributed at the time it was started. Though later it was necro’d a couple of times and has grown into chat room with 50 different topics spread over countless pages. Sometimes necro posts are ok when they are actually on topic and may actually clear up some confusion. For example this thread was about Rigidbody.drag and what it actually does. At that time I actually did several tests and reverse engineered the actual forumla. Though I directly addressed the question in the OP to add information that was still missing. The necro post by FariAnderson several years later was completely off topic since the thread was about rigidbody.drag and not real world drag.
So just create a new thread next time :). That way the thread is yours. If you want to address a certain person, you can always use the @ syntax to get the attention of a certain user. Though only do that when it’s really necessary or your thread is a direct follow up to something that person has posted. Choosing a good title can also help. We have way too many “I need help!!!”, “What should I do?”, “I got xxx error”, “What is the best …?” threads which don’t tell you anything about the content of the thread