(I posted this on answers.unity3d.com but the question got rejected, so I’ll try here in the forums)
I work with a partner, we have different Unity (free) accounts but it is he who has bought a couple of plugins (or assets). We are now wondering how are we supposed to proceed with the bought assets: can he share them with me?
One asset puts things clear, it says: “You need one licence per seat”. Understood. But the other one doesn’t say so. Is it fine if my partner transfered the asset files to me (i.e. simply pass me the files)? How are those assets, without the licence notice, supposed to be handled?
Another thing is that I’m the one who actually develop the games, my partner practically doesn’t touch the development, but it is he who buys the assets on his own account. Can I use his account to develop the game? Because practically we’re using 1 account at a time, since he doesn’t develop, so we have only one seat working.
We’re wondering this because we don’t want to get into any licence or legal related trouble; it could hurt.