Hi guys.
I have a project in which I’m using Vuforia and Easy Code Scanner.
Both of them have iOS and Android dedicated plugins for this reason both of them have an AndroidManifest.xml.
Actually the plugins and the manifest of Vuforia are into the plugins folder while the Easy Code Scanner Stuff is in the plugin subfolder of the original package folder. When I try to activate the Easy Code Scanner a “class not found exception” is launched.
I moved the content into the plugins folder except for the AndroidManifest.xml file because there is already the one from Vuforia and I will get an “activity not found exception”.
I presume I have to merge the 2 different AndroidManifest.xml files. I tried to do that but I miserably failed.
Can anyone please give me an hint on how to perform this merge?
look at the manifest.xml that it puts in Assets/Plugins/AmazonIAPAndroid , and create your own manifest.xml files following the same format, in their own folders in /Assets/Plugins . (so, you’d have one Assets/Plugins/Vuforia/manifest.xml and one Assets/Plugins/EasyCodeScanner/manifest.xml )
In the Unity Editor, under the “Amazon” drop down menu, run “generate androidmanifest.xml”
That should create an AndroidManifest.xml in Assets/Plugins/Android which combines the stuff you specified in the manifest.xml files (along with the Amazon IAP manifest stuff, which you can subsequently remove if you want to).
Well… in my case the same application was defined 2 times but with different configurations. What I did is to give priority to QCAR. I have merged the configurations by adding everything that were missed in the application defined for Vuforia. After that I copied all the activities from both the manifests and past them into the application. You should check that every activity is defined only once: if the same activity is defined in both the manifests, just proceed to merge them as done for the application.