I’ve subclassed UnityAppController, and registered my custom render delegate. I’m trying to write to the (Metal) frame buffer in onFrameResolved. While it runs, and the logs spit out sensible data, I can’t seem to change the final image rendered by Unity. Is systemColorRB the correct buffer I should be writing to? Should I be writing to it in a different way than replaceRegion?
#import "RenderDelegateTest.h" // nothing of note in the header
#import <Metal/Metal.h> //I'm confused why this wasn't included in an upstream(?) header
@implementation RenderDelegateTest
UnityDisplaySurfaceMTL *metalDisplaySurface;
int bufferBytesPerRow;
void *bufferBytes;
int bufferBytesPerImage;
- (void)mainDisplayInited:(struct UnityDisplaySurfaceBase*)surface
metalDisplaySurface = (UnityDisplaySurfaceMTL*)surface;
int _bufferBytesPerRow = [buffer width] * 4; //MTLPixelFormatBGRA8Unorm = 80
int _bufferBytesPerImage = _bufferBytesPerRow * [buffer height];
if (bufferBytesPerImage != _bufferBytesPerImage)
bufferBytesPerRow = _bufferBytesPerRow;
bufferBytesPerImage = _bufferBytesPerImage;
//allocate some buffer we can copy back and forth between
bufferBytes = malloc(bufferBytesPerImage);
-(void) onFrameResolved
MTLTextureRef buffer = metalDisplaySurface->systemColorRB;
[self checkBuffer:buffer];
MTLRegion wholeRegion = MTLRegionMake2D(0, 0, [buffer width], [buffer height]);
//copy the buffer data into a local array
[buffer getBytes:bufferBytes
unsigned char *_bufferPtr = (unsigned char*)bufferBytes;
for (int p = 0; p < 10; p++)
//test to see if there is colour data there (there is!)
NSLog(@"\t\t\t %i", _bufferPtr[0]);
for (int i = 0; i < 3000; i++)
//set a bunch of pixels to see if we can affect the buffer.
_bufferPtr[0] = 255;
_bufferPtr[1] = 200;
_bufferPtr[3] = 10;
_bufferPtr[4] = 255;
//copy the buffer data back
[buffer replaceRegion:wholeRegion mipmapLevel:0 withBytes:bufferBytes bytesPerRow:bufferBytesPerRow];