hi, i am working on 2d shader and unity still bothers me that it wants to convert my height map to normal map
do i need to? i am using the one channel as map i don’t need normal map at all (i guess)
is there way how to disable this annoying prompt? (which btw is buggy right now, because editor just didn’t ask to save scene when quitting)
edit: really? nobody feels bothered by unity suggesting conversion all the time? nobody knows? i just hate that ignore button i have to push all the time
I would like to point out that its a very valid question how to disable this annoying normal map settings dialog. Now in 99% of unity user cases agreed its very handy to see this dialog. But the for the few developers who require a runtime normal map solution then this dialog really begins to be an annoyance. What the author was asking is there a way to disable these warning dialogs in the unity editor for such rarer cases. Its what makes it customisable for different types of projects.
Well, if Unity displays a warning, you most likely are doing something wrong. A shader property that is named “_BumpMap” is a normal map and need to be a texture that has been imported as normal map. If you write a shader that needs a texture and this texture is not a normal map, you shouldn’t call your property “_BumpMap”.
You provided no information on your shader and what properties it might have / how they are declared. Instead of adding those “attracting” tags [NOBODY KNOWS] you should improve your question, add more details.