How would i change cameras when entering a store?

In my game, i want to the character to walk into a store, and when he does the camera will change to a camera up in a corner, but i don't know how to script it, how would i do that?

You can disable/enable a camera using its (inherited) 'enabled' field, e.g.:

myCamera.enabled = false;

When you enter the store, you'll want to disable whatever camera is currently active, and enable the 'store' camera (and vice versa when you leave the store).

For determining when you've entered/left the store, you can use triggers. (Specifically, look into OnTriggerEnter() and OnTriggerExit()).

In order to enable/disable the respective cameras, you could acquire them by tag or name, or assign references to them to variables associated with the script that does the enabling/disabling.

This is only one way to go about solving the problem, but here's some (completely untested) example code in C#:

using UnityEngine;

public class CameraTrigger : MonoBehaviour
    public Camera mainCamera;
    public Camera storeCamera;

    void OnTriggerEnter()
        mainCamera.enabled = false;
        storeCamera.enabled = true;

    void OnTriggerExit()
        mainCamera.enabled = true;
        storeCamera.enabled = false;

You would attach this script to an appropriately shaped and sized trigger (for example, a box that encompasses the entirety of the store interior).

[Edit: You might not be able to omit the arguments to OnTriggerEnter() and OnTriggerExit() as I did in the example code (I can't remember at the moment, and I don't have a project open to test it with right now). But, you can try it both ways, or just include the arguments. (They aren't used in my example, but if, for example, you needed to distinguish between different objects that might come in contact with the trigger, you might need them.)]