I’m trying to make a 2D platformer where a GameObject mirrors the player. (New to programming - artist)
I’m trying to declare a variable to store the starting position of the player, and then I have to declare a variable that stores any offset position from the starting position. Then, I need to declare a variable to store the starting position of the GameObject. Finally, I have to negate the offset position of the player from the starting position of the GameObject (for a mirroring effect).
Is there any easier way? Am I doing something wrong? Here’s my attempt at making the first script to put on the player (stores the starting position and the offset position). Sorry if it is bad, like I said, I’m pretty new to programming.
This is what I have:
var initialPosition : Vector3;
var offsetPosition : float;
function Start()
initialPosition = transform.position
function Update()
offsetPosition = initialPosition - (what should I put here??)
EDIT: I’ve got the mirroring to work thanks to POLYGAMe and Alex, but now the object being mirrored doesn’t seem to react to gravity. It will float if the player is at a higher altitude, and it will go through walls (and sometimes go through the player). Here is a video of the problem: