How would i do Player rotation based on mouse position in x/y top down game?

This is confusing, because the z rotation has no relation to the x and y coordinates of the mouse. when i do lookat, it doesnt work because of coordinate incompatibility.

You will have to use

        Vector3 mousePos = Input.mousePosition;

        //To make mousePos relative to center of screen
        mousePos.x -= Screen.width / 2;
        mousePos.y -= Screen.height / 2;

        //To make mousePos relative to transform
        mousePos += transform.position;
        angle = Vector3.Angle(mousePos, Vector3.up);

        //For 360 degree angle
        if (mousePos.x > 0)
            angle = 360 - angle;

        transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, angle);

Add this to your main player script in Update or FixedUpdate (better).


alt text
Sorry for the upside down arrow! It was like that originally.