How would I get two different high scores shown on the menu when the player starts the game?

How would I get it where when a player chooses to play with 2 or 4 choices, they will see their highest score for 2 choices and the highest score for 4 choices? That way the scores don’t over lap. This isn’t the whole code. Just part of it.

/Function Establishes Button Elements
function setup(){

//Pause For 1 Second Between Levels
if(alphabet.length < 26){yield WaitForSeconds(1);}

//If on Last Level...
if(alphabet.length < 1){

	//Pause for 1 second
	yield WaitForSeconds(1);

	//Compares Player Score to High Score
	if(PlayerPrefs.GetInt("High Score") < score){
		//Sets Player High Score
		PlayerPrefs.SetInt("High Score",score);

//Sets Variable to Range Based on Choice Number PlayerPrefs Established in “Menu Modified”
var correctButtonPosition = PlayerPrefs.GetString(“Choice Number”)== “Two Choices”? Random.Range(0,2): Random.Range(0,4);

I don’t really understand your question.

If you want to have more than one high score, like a list of high scores, just make that variable an array. Then, if the high score table is not empty, and the new score is higher than the last high score, remove the last high score and add the new score and sort the array (in case the new score is higher even than the other scores, not just the last one).

Would I use PlayerPrefs = 2 Choices, then compare 2 Choices to old score? Wuold that be the same for 4 choices?