how would I script a "score" type thing

I need to be able to add a point to each “teams” score every time a player with the tag “team1” or “team2” is destroyed, any ideas?

Psuedocode- go over the syntax as required

var guitextobject: GUIText;

var score: int=0;
var limit: int=10;

function HasBeenShot(){
//that just adds one if you wanted to minus use: score--;

//this might work too :guitextobject.text="Score "+score;
function Update(){
if (score==limit)
//assuming you have a level called gameover-do whatever you want here of course

Is that any help? Im oldschool, I use the old gui where poss. Untested!


I’m not on my work computer but as soon as I get the chance I’ll try it out, it looks really promising, thanks.

now the next step is figuring out how to have two separate “team” scores and players add to them.

cant you use tags player1 and player2 or team1?