How would I select GameObjects from an array one by one?

So basically, I have a song selection menu in my game, I am using two buttons as arrows, one on the left and one on the right, obviously, the left button would go - in the array and the right arrow would go + in the array, but nooby me, can’t achieve this, I can tell its a super simple process, but what I have just goes from 0 to 14 instead of going from 0,1,2,3… etc. (array of 15 items). The “Song Ref” is the selection of the song which gives the output.

public Button leftBtn;
public Button rightBtn;


[Header("Array Ref")]
public GameObject songRef;


[Header("Song Game Objects")]
public GameObject[] array;
public int selection;

private bool leftButtonIsPressed;
private bool rightButtonIsPressed;

void Start()
    selection = 0;

void RightButtonPressed()
    if (selection < array.Length - 1) //because size starts at 1, arrays at 0

void LeftButtonPressed()
    if (selection > 0)

void Update ()



    songRef = array[selection];
    //change song using refrence


From what I can see of your problem, it seems you’re adding multiple of the same listener to the button press events. Every frame you’re adding another listener, so by frame 13+ pressing a button calls the function 13+ times, thus giving you your issue. Set the event handlers in the Start() method instead of the Update() method, as Start only gets ran once it should only register it once.