I need to store player data. Such as money, to a server(free server?). It will store things like money And thing like that, All I really need to store is ints and strings. Also i am releasing my game to steam greenlight, is there anyway to get a list of anyone who votes on my game so i can give them a free item?
The first one about story ints and strings in top priority right now.
well i have no idea about integration with steam greenlight. but for storing game data and stats your best bet is to use an SQL database. for my games i have set up a free account at awardspace.com which allows you host an SQL database. then just use the WWW command in unity to post to it like you would in HTML. you would also need to write a very simple PHP script to handle the posts and requests but that would only be a few lines of code. this post is very helpful. unfortunatly he is not using the correct form of anti SQL injection in his example. i recommend looking into prepared statements for your final php script as they are much more secure. but for getting a working server up to test with this is everything you need.
I can’t help with the first part, but I am also on Steam Greenlight, and from what I can tell, there is no way to know who voted Yes or No. It’s all confidential.